Christoph Beckmann

Christophs background as Computer Science Expert (IHK) makes him an allrounder in almost all aspects of technology. He created products as a developer and Team Lead, scaled systems as a DevOps and steered 40 developers as a CTO.

Christoph is also a founder, consultant and Angel Investor and thus commands first-hand experience in providing the right Tech for businesses to grow.

Technology Due Diligence

Christoph founded TechMiners in 2019. As a data-driven Technology Due Diligence provider, TechMiners has successfully completed over 300+ projects, building trust, transparency, and value for all parties involved. He has personally conducted over 40 Technology Due Diligence projects and is the primary contributor to TechMiners' unique TechDD methodology. His expertise has helped shape the company's data-driven approach, supported by the appropriate software tools.

Learn more about Technology Due Diligence, including a comprehensive checklist and the key topics and risks that should be covered during the process.

CTO Roundtable Berlin Meetup

Christoph is organising since 2024 the CTO Roundtable Berlin Meetup. The quarterly meetup brings together CTOs, VPs of Engineering, IT Managers, and aspiring technology leaders to discuss challenges and best practices in software development leadership.

If would like to speak or host the next meetup, please contact me. New attendees are always welcome, just sign up on the meetup page.